News list for " paxos"


Paxos官方发布2025年2月稳定币PYUSD透明度报告,披露PYUSD相关未审计数据,包括:代币流通总额(Total Tokens Outstanding)较1月的约4.8亿美元大幅上涨,升至751,638,595美元;总净资产中抵押品当前市值770,113,333美元,名义头寸价值755,514,232美元。Paxos表示,目前PYUSD代币超额抵押,因此损失风险不大,即便违约Paxos也能够用美国国债超额抵押来弥补损失。

2025-03-09 12:18:04

Paxos官方发布2025年1月稳定币PYUSD透明度报告,披露PYUSD相关未审计数据,包括: 1、代币流通总额(Total Tokens Outstanding)再次下降,触及482,747,103美元; 2、美国国债抵押逆回购协议总额中抵押品当前市值约为464,985,360美元,名义头寸价值约为455,868,000美元; 3、现金存款中抵押品当前市值约为28,588,701美元,名义头寸价值约为28,588,701美元; 4、总净资产中抵押品当前市值493,574,06...

2025-02-08 08:40:05
Paxos Releases December 2024 PYUSD Transparency Report: Total Token Circulation Declines Again to Touch About $497 million

Paxos officially released the December 2024 stablecoin PYUSD Transparency Report, disclosing unaudited data related to PYUSD, including: Total Tokens Outstanding fell again, reaching $497,959,719. 2. The current market value of the collateral in the total amount of the US Treasury mortgage reverse repurchase agreement is approximately $487,993,500, and the nominal position value is approximately $478,425,000. The current market value of the collateral in the cash deposit is approximately $21,401...

2025-01-14 19:23:58

Paxos官方发布2024年12月稳定币PYUSD透明度报告,披露PYUSD相关未审计数据,包括: 1、代币流通总额(Total Tokens Outstanding)再次下降,触及497,959,719美元; 2、美国国债抵押逆回购协议总额中抵押品当前市值约为487,993,500美元,名义头寸价值约为478,425,000美元; 3、现金存款中抵押品当前市值约为21,401,062美元,名义头寸价值约为21,401,062美元; 4、总净资产中抵押品当前市值509,394,56...

2025-01-14 19:23:58
Robinhood executive: Working with Paxos to create an open network for stablecoins

Johann Kerbrat, managing director of Robinhood Crypto, revealed that the company is working with Paxos to create an open network for stablecoins, emphasizing that stablecoins can bring significant value to their platform. Several companies are currently exploring the stablecoin market, such as Visa's launch of a tokenized asset platform that allows banks to issue stablecoins. Revolut, a fintech company, is also exploring the possibility of launching stablecoins. Stripe has acquired Bridge, a fin...

2025-01-05 14:56:39

Robinhood Crypto总经理Johann Kerbrat透露,该公司正在与 Paxos 合作创建一个用于稳定币的开放网络,强调稳定币可以为他们的平台带来重大价值。目前已有多家公司正在探索稳定币市场,比如Visa推出代币化资产平台允许银行发行稳定币,金融科技公司Revolut也在探索推出稳定币的可能性,Stripe则收购了专门从事稳定币交易的金融科技平台Bridge。 

2025-01-05 14:56:39
Paxos publishes second USDG attestation report: the number of Ethereum network tokens increased to 29,386,864 by the end of November

Stablecoin issuer Paxos released its second USDG attestation report, which revealed that as of November 29, 2024 Singapore time, the number of tokens held by USDG contracts on the Ethereum network increased to 29,386,864, an increase of 18,636,724 from the end of October. The fair value of redeemed assets is at least equal to or greater than $29,467,869, and the number of USDG tokens does not exceed the balance of redeemed assets reported below. In addition, it is reported that USDG is a collabo...

2025-01-01 11:23:08

稳定币发行商Paxos发布第二份USDG鉴证报告(attestation reports),其中披露截至新加坡时间2024年11月29日以太坊网络上USDG合约持有的代币数量增至29,386,864枚,较10月底增发18,636,724枚,赎回资产的公允价值至少等于或大于29,467,869美元,USDG代币数量没有超过以下报告的赎回资产余额。 此外消息,USDG是Paxos与星展银行(DBS Bank)合作推出新加坡合规稳定币,由星展银行负责美元储备...

2025-01-01 11:23:08
Paxos Releases November PYUSD Transparency Report: Total Token Circulation Declines Again, Touching About $539.80 million

Paxos officially released the November 2024 stablecoin PYUSD Transparency Report, disclosing the unaudited data related to PYUSD as of 5:00 Beijing time on November 30, 2024, including: Total Tokens Outstanding fell again, reaching $539,827,757. 2. The current market value of the collateral in the total amount of the US Treasury mortgage reverse repurchase agreement is approximately $450,079,080, and the nominal position value is approximately $441,254,000. The current market value of the collat...

2024-12-09 10:20:11

Paxos官方发布2024年11月稳定币PYUSD透明度报告,披露PYUSD截至北京时间2024年11月30日5:00相关未审计数据,包括: 1、代币流通总额(Total Tokens Outstanding)再次下降,触及539,827,757美元; 2、美国国债抵押逆回购协议总额中抵押品当前市值约为450,079,080美元,名义头寸价值约为441,254,000美元; 3、现金存款中抵押品当前市值约为26,268,777美元,名义头寸价值约为26,268,777美元; 4、总...

2024-12-09 10:20:11
Paxos publishes first USDG verification report: 10,750,140 tokens on the Ethereum network as of the end of October

Stablecoin issuer Paxos has released its first USDG attestation report, which discloses that as of 5:00 PM Singapore time on October 31, 2024, the number of tokens held by USDG contracts on the Ethereum network was 10,750,140, the fair value of redeemed assets was at least equal to or greater than $10,750,140, and the number of USDG tokens did not exceed the balance of redeemed assets reported below. USDG is a Singapore compliance stablecoin launched by Paxos in partnership with DBS Bank, which ...

2024-12-01 20:00:59

稳定币发行商Paxos发布首份USDG鉴证报告(attestation reports),其中披露截至新加坡时间2024年10月31日下午五点以太坊网络上USDG合约持有的代币数量为10,750,140枚,赎回资产的公允价值至少等于或大于10,750,140 美元,USDG代币数量没有超过以下报告的赎回资产余额。 USDG是Paxos与星展银行(DBS Bank)合作推出新加坡合规稳定币,由星展银行负责美元储备管理。

2024-12-01 20:00:59
Paxos Acquires Finnish Electronic Money Agency Membrane Finance

Blockchain and tokenized infrastructure platform Paxos has announced that it has agreed to acquire Membrane Finance, a licensed Finnish e-money institution. The deal is subject to regulatory approval and will result in Paxos being granted an e-money institution (EMI) license in Finland and the European Union.

2024-11-19 22:29:54
Paxos 收购芬兰电子货币机构 Membrane Finance

区块链和代币化基础设施平台 Paxos 宣布已同意收购芬兰持牌电子货币机构 Membrane Finance。该交易尚需监管机构批准,完成后 Paxos 将获得芬兰和欧盟的电子货币机构(EMI)牌照。

2024-11-19 22:29:54
Paxos Releases October PYUSD Transparency Report: Total Token Circulation Drops to About $570 million

Paxos officially released the October 2024 stablecoin PYUSD Transparency Report, disclosing unaudited data on PYUSD as of 5:00 on November 1, 2024 Beijing time, including: Total Tokens Outstanding fell to $570,851,729. The current market value of the collateral in U.S. Treasury bonds is approximately $79,829,400, and the nominal position value is approximately $79,247,783. The current market value of the collateral in the US Treasury mortgage reverse repurchase agreement is approximately $485,76...

2024-11-09 10:45:28